CMHN Lions eye Hospital the permanent project of Islamabad Ch. Muhammad Hussain Natt memorial lions club (124410) and Islamabad countryside lions club (123452) District 305-N2 organize a free eye camp with association of local organization named inner wheel at Sahala, Kakul District Rawalpindi, Punjab Pakistan.collage-sahala-1

  • Total served people: 221
  • Glasses provided: 86
  • Cataract diagnosed: 32
  • The rest of patient enlist the dry eyes,near and distinct vision many more.
November 11, 2016

Free Eye Camp Sahala

CMHN Lions eye Hospital the permanent project of Islamabad Ch. Muhammad Hussain Natt memorial lions club (124410) and Islamabad countryside lions club (123452) District 305-N2 organize […]
November 11, 2016

Free Eye and Pediatric Screening Camp

CMHN Lions eye Hospital the permanent project of Islamabad Ch. Muhammad Hussain Natt memorial lions club (124410) and Islamabad countryside lions club (123452) District 305-N2 organize […]